Saturday, June 28, 2008


I didn't get up to a half mile this week, but I almost did.

My legs weren't about to let me get away with pushing them that far, so I only added a little bit. I'll for sure have it by the end of this coming week. I only have one more 1/8 mile section of the half mile loop left, and I'll be good to go!

Adam's sister Laurel is in town, and we're hanging out and showing her around Louisville. She leaves tomorrow, so it's a short visit, but it's fun. :)

I joined a group called 50/90 the other day. It's a 50 songs in 90 days challenge (, from July 4th through the 1st of October. I'm gonna give it a good run, even though I think it might be a little much for me... It'll be good for getting me back in the habit of writing.

I'll post more in a few days, when things quiet down.


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