Saturday, June 28, 2008


I didn't get up to a half mile this week, but I almost did.

My legs weren't about to let me get away with pushing them that far, so I only added a little bit. I'll for sure have it by the end of this coming week. I only have one more 1/8 mile section of the half mile loop left, and I'll be good to go!

Adam's sister Laurel is in town, and we're hanging out and showing her around Louisville. She leaves tomorrow, so it's a short visit, but it's fun. :)

I joined a group called 50/90 the other day. It's a 50 songs in 90 days challenge (, from July 4th through the 1st of October. I'm gonna give it a good run, even though I think it might be a little much for me... It'll be good for getting me back in the habit of writing.

I'll post more in a few days, when things quiet down.


Monday, June 23, 2008

It's Early!

I was up at 6:45 this morning! I don't remember the last time I got up this early and felt this energetic.

I took the day off running yesterday, and we took the dogs for a walk instead. That was nice, gave my sore legs a rest! I'm pretty sure I'll be able to push myself up to a 1/2 mile by the end of the week, but we'll see. I may end up taking one more day off, instead of running the next six, only because Adam will be home in the morning over the next few days, and that makes me want to stay around the house. We will still take the dogs for a walk, if it's nice.

I've got some dishes to do from yesterday, and some cleaning up around the house before my students get here later. I'm doing a make-up lesson this morning, and then it's summer break, as far as piano teaching goes. I'll have the next two weeks off, and we'll start back the 7th of July. Yay!

I'm also driving the next 5 days, as I'm filling in for one of the other drivers on a different route, while she's on vacation. I usually only work Wed-Fri. Having my mornings free, however, will be wonderful. Tomorrow I'm hoping to spend some good time on the piano, and see what happens, as far as writing goes.

I'm having trouble deciding what I want to do with the next CD. I've been thinking about getting one done by the end of the year, but I'm not sure if that'll happen yet or not. I've got several different kinds of songs, about 5-6 ready to go, but they're about half and half in type. We'll see. I just need to write more and see what comes out.

Anyway, Noel's almost here, and she's gonna go running with me this morning. We're talking about doing a 5k or something, in the spring.

Signing off!


Thursday, June 19, 2008


I started running today. I did about a 1/4 mile, which is a big deal, for not having run for a long time.
I've set a goal to run 2-3 miles in 2 months, and I'm pretty sure that I can do it. I found a couple training programs, and they look pretty good, after doing some research. So here goes!

The Lord is teaching me about discipline, and I'm getting better... I've been writing more, and playing my piano more, and setting aside more time in the Word, and to read... I'm rediscovering my love of books, and I'm excited!

I'm reading Orthodoxy again, since the last time I read it was 3 or 4 years ago, and then I want to read Kite Runner. Adam and I watched the movie, and it was fantastic, so now I'm reading the book.

Any suggestions on things to read, once I'm finished with those??

Friday, June 6, 2008


God's doing a lot.. There's soooo much going on!
This weekend is going to be pretty much non stop, starting tonight.

I've been journaling a lot more in the last week, which has been good for my clarity of mind and my inspiration. I've found that if I'm writing in my journal regularly, I have more consistent inspiration to write songs.

I've also been doing a cleanse, and I'm feeling so much healthier as I get further along in it.

I'll write more later this weekend, I hope. :)