Thursday, November 15, 2007

Various and Sundry Things

The holidays are here, and it's been a lot more than a month since I posted. I do apologize.

Life has been full, but it's starting to settle down.

We're mostly moved into our house, but we still haven't hung up pictures, or curtains, or things like that. There are a few books that still need to be unpacked, and a few things that still need a place, but for the most part, we've got things fairly well put together.

Our furnace hasn't been working for the last few weeks. It's been in the low 20s here, and I couldn't even take a bath, because the tub was so cold, it pretty much immediately cooled off the water to a lukewarm temperature. Sunday night we finally caved and got a little space heater that's worked nicely so far. Yay for Bed Bath and Beyond gift certificates! So it's kept the house pretty warm for the last few days, and now we finally have a furnace guy out here to fix it. Yay for warm houses!

We had some friends over last night for dinner, and I made broccoli soup and banana bread, and we played Apples to Apples and Speed Scrabble, and then watched random strange youtube videos. Among my favorites are the Gaki No Tsukai "Silent Library" videos, the laughing babies, the children dancing to Britney Spears who get scared by their mothers, and strange Indian (not Native American) music videos, with subtitles of what it sounds like if they were speaking English (not what the actual translation is). For instance, "My loony bun is fine Benny Lava".

I have piano students today, and then we don't have community group tonight, so I think we will stay in and watch a movie and relax or some such thing. It's been awhile since we've had a night at home together, and we will probably go to bed early. We're both pretty tired from the last week.

Hopefully the next time I blog won't be a month or two from now.

1 comment:

byrdsnest said...

Sounds like a rockin' good time...what is 'Apples to Apples'?
Is Jack home? How is Sally takin' it? (or should I say, how is Jack takin' Sally)?!