Saturday, January 3, 2009

New THings

Please go here:

See you on the other side!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I've set myself a deadline. I'm recording in January/February. Sometime within those two months, I will record a new CD. Thus say I!

Giving myself a deadline means that I have a certain amount of time to write, and I always do better with a deadline, always. I've made a pact with myself (and told other people as well) that I won't wait til two weeks before the deadline to start writing... and to that end, I've already started with some ideas, and will hopefully have about 3 songs done in the next week or two. Yippee!

Things have been busy, and they're about to get busier. I don't think it'll slow down anytime soon. Til at least January. Adam will be out of school for the semester in a few weeks, but then we'll have traveling, and family stuff for the holidays. I'm looking forward to it, because even though it will be busy, it will also be relaxing, and a chance to relax and have fun... Traveling to New Johnsonville and Pensacola for Christmas/Thanksgiving will be like vacations.

I have to go to work now... Sigh. :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's been awhile..

So yeah, I haven't written in awhile, but things have been insanely busy, and I haven't been sure what to write. I'm cooking up a post and will probably post this weekend, but for now, I'm working on it. :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Gust 2008"

So, we don't have power. We're at a Heine Bros. about 5 minutes away from our house, but most of our subdivision doesn't have power. It could be days, or weeks til we get it, there are apparently about a half million people in Louisville/Jefferson County that don't have power.

Adam was going to substitute today somewhere in JCPS (Jefferson Co. Public Schools), but schools are closed, and so we're going to hang out at the house, take the dogs for a walk, read, etc. I'm glad we're not dependent on means of entertainment that are solely powered by electricity. We have a lot of candles, and our community group tonight should be fun. :) A few students are coming for piano lessons today, and a few aren't.

After we're done here at the coffee shop, we'll go home, and Adam has homework, and I have books, and a piano, so today should be fine. We don't have many perishables at the house, except for some yogurt and hamburger meat. I checked the refrigerator earlier, and it was still cold, so we're going to grill the hamburger tonight. That way it doesn't go to waste, and we'll have fun making dinner.

It's nice to slow down, every once in awhile, even if it is inconvenient. I'll be happy when the power comes back on, and the sooner the better, but I'm ok if it takes a few days.

As an aside, there's a big burly guy sitting outside charging his phone, and it's a bright hot pink RAZR. I find it kind of hilarious. :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh my goodness!

Things are so busy. For the first time ever, I need a daytimer/calendar to keep me straight!

I started reading Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe, for a book club a few friends of mine just started up. It's fun, so far, though I'm not far into it. I read the first chapter last night, and I'm hoping to get at least one more chapter in today.

I've been getting more calls for piano lessons lately, and I'm definitely waaaaay excited about that. Hopefully with one or two more students, I'll be able to stop driving on Tuesdays, and teach on Monday and Tuesday, and drive Wednesday-Friday. whee!

I'll try and post more later, as I should have some free time this evening while Adam is at his UL classes.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Yesterday was the start of 50/90 : an endeavour to write 50 songs in 90 days. There are quite a few people participating, and I found out about it about a week ago. I've been compiling ideas, and I'm hoping to get pretty near the goal. I have until Oct. 1st.

I'm thinking about trying to a do a few concept pieces, one of which Noel suggested, that I'm fairly interested in. I need to research a bit, and in the meantime, make use of a few other ideas I've come up with.

Any ideas for me?

I'm hoping to record a CD by the end of the year, as I'm long overdue. I've grown so much, stylistically and otherwise, in my piano playing and singing abilities, and I'm excited to see what happens next.

Here goes nothin'!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

Adam and I are out at my parents' house, watching Sergeant York. Awesome movie... grew up with it, so it's incredibly nostalgic. :)

I didn't get up to a 1/2 mile, but I will by week's end, Lord willing. I want to run a 5k in October/November, if I can find one. We'll see.

At any rate, Happy 4th, and I'll post more later this weekend. :)