Sunday, September 23, 2007

New Beginnings

Rebecca Bales Elliott here.

Right. So.

I've had a couple of blogs before this one, but never really kept up with them. However, I've decided that I should really get back into the habit of posting and continuing to post, seeing as how you never really know where you'll end up, and it's a lot easier to maintain contact when you're in the habit of doing so already.

Also, I'm really bad with phones.

Here's an update to get you all up to speed.

I got married on the 18th of August to a Mr. Adam Elliott.
We are still living at my apartment on Lower Brownsboro, but we have just recently begun looking for a house, found one that we love, and will most likely make an offer on it within the next week. We are hoping to be moved out of the apartment before the holidays.
I have started advertising for piano students, as I would love to make that my primary means of income.
I've been in the hospital within the past week, got sick, and am still feeling the after effects of a pretty nasty bit of problems.
I'm working on setting up some shows in town this fall/winter, and hopefully will get momentum back up from last year.
I'm still driving the medical courier route, and thats proven to be a bit of a frustration, but also, a bit of sweet money coming in.
It's been fun, getting to know my new in-laws.
Learning how to be a wife has been a beautiful thing, and has proven to jump-start my creative process recently.
I have a lot more to write about now, and I also need the discipline of writing/song-writing.

And now I need to do a few things before church, but I will soon return.

Blessings on your alley,