Saturday, December 22, 2007

Oh Eight, What Beauty In Thy Number

Time flies so quickly.

It's 4 days into 2008, and I can hardly believe everything that's happened since January 4th of last year.

I moved into my own apartment a few days after Christmas of '06.

I met Adam, my husband to be, on the 15th of January, '07.

February 28th, I was officially titled "girlfriend".

April 20th, I got engaged.

August 18th, I got married.

October 18th, we bought a house.

On the 15th of this month, I will have known Adam for a year, and on the 18th, we will have been married for 5 months.

This has been a year of unexpecteds.

Not only did I move out of my parents' house, I got married and bought a house. Straaaannnnge. :)
I didn't expect to meet, much less marry, my husband for a few years yet. I also didn't expect that we'd buy a house within three months of getting married.
I also got back in touch with some old friends that I surely didn't expect to be talking to for a long while. This makes me excited. There are a few people that I have missed terribly, and have wished at least to part on good terms with, and my expectations have been exceeded far beyond what I thought could happen. It's good to rediscover friends, especially as you grow up and mature and get over yourself.
There are other friends that I hope someday to talk to again, even just once, in the interest of leaving things at a good place, instead of either party having bitter memories of past events.
Some things haven't changed, and others have, and it's nice to come back around and leave the bad and keep the good. That's true for just about everything, I've begun to notice.

As far as this new year is concerned, here are some of my goals:

- To get healthy and in shape again. I have running shoes and a track suit, and I'm going to be getting out and running.. I want to be healthy and vigorous and energetic again.

- To write at least one song a week. I need to be polishing my craft, and growing in skill.

- To play piano more. I don't have any excuses, I've got a piano in my living room, a keyboard, a computer and some recording equipment...

- To get up and go to bed earlier, as a general rule, with a few exceptions here and there..

- To post on my blog more, as I seem to be terrible at keeping it current. :)

There are more, but I can't seem to think of any at the moment. I'm sick, and have strep throat, and so it's doubtful that I'll be able to come up with much more right now. I'll post again soon, promise. :)


Friday, November 30, 2007

YouTube-in' it

I've created a Youtube channel, and have posted one video. I'm working on a couple more, they should be up soon.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Various and Sundry Things

The holidays are here, and it's been a lot more than a month since I posted. I do apologize.

Life has been full, but it's starting to settle down.

We're mostly moved into our house, but we still haven't hung up pictures, or curtains, or things like that. There are a few books that still need to be unpacked, and a few things that still need a place, but for the most part, we've got things fairly well put together.

Our furnace hasn't been working for the last few weeks. It's been in the low 20s here, and I couldn't even take a bath, because the tub was so cold, it pretty much immediately cooled off the water to a lukewarm temperature. Sunday night we finally caved and got a little space heater that's worked nicely so far. Yay for Bed Bath and Beyond gift certificates! So it's kept the house pretty warm for the last few days, and now we finally have a furnace guy out here to fix it. Yay for warm houses!

We had some friends over last night for dinner, and I made broccoli soup and banana bread, and we played Apples to Apples and Speed Scrabble, and then watched random strange youtube videos. Among my favorites are the Gaki No Tsukai "Silent Library" videos, the laughing babies, the children dancing to Britney Spears who get scared by their mothers, and strange Indian (not Native American) music videos, with subtitles of what it sounds like if they were speaking English (not what the actual translation is). For instance, "My loony bun is fine Benny Lava".

I have piano students today, and then we don't have community group tonight, so I think we will stay in and watch a movie and relax or some such thing. It's been awhile since we've had a night at home together, and we will probably go to bed early. We're both pretty tired from the last week.

Hopefully the next time I blog won't be a month or two from now.

Monday, October 1, 2007


We signed a contract a few hours ago.
We will be moving into our new house the first week of November.
I'm incredibly stoked about this. We have three people interested in the apartment, so apartment rent will be covered, I have more people interested in taking piano lessons from me, and we are in a great financial position.
God is good.
I will have a piano in my living room again, and I will be able to sit down at an instrument and have the added impetus for the creative process.
I can't wait.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

New Beginnings

Rebecca Bales Elliott here.

Right. So.

I've had a couple of blogs before this one, but never really kept up with them. However, I've decided that I should really get back into the habit of posting and continuing to post, seeing as how you never really know where you'll end up, and it's a lot easier to maintain contact when you're in the habit of doing so already.

Also, I'm really bad with phones.

Here's an update to get you all up to speed.

I got married on the 18th of August to a Mr. Adam Elliott.
We are still living at my apartment on Lower Brownsboro, but we have just recently begun looking for a house, found one that we love, and will most likely make an offer on it within the next week. We are hoping to be moved out of the apartment before the holidays.
I have started advertising for piano students, as I would love to make that my primary means of income.
I've been in the hospital within the past week, got sick, and am still feeling the after effects of a pretty nasty bit of problems.
I'm working on setting up some shows in town this fall/winter, and hopefully will get momentum back up from last year.
I'm still driving the medical courier route, and thats proven to be a bit of a frustration, but also, a bit of sweet money coming in.
It's been fun, getting to know my new in-laws.
Learning how to be a wife has been a beautiful thing, and has proven to jump-start my creative process recently.
I have a lot more to write about now, and I also need the discipline of writing/song-writing.

And now I need to do a few things before church, but I will soon return.

Blessings on your alley,